Sunday, December 14, 2008

Are You Immune?

The fall and winter seasons usually indicate a number of changes that can directly affect our immunity. With the shorter days, less vitamin D is manufactured to strengthen the immune system and with our climate in Canada it also means colder weather, which encourages longer hours spent indoors. Not only does this mean less direct skin contact with the sunshine, it also means that we are breathing in poor quality air, which is often dry and filled with germs. Combine this with our hibernating habits and we create an opportunity for infections to zero in on us.

Our immune system is designed to protect the body from foreign invaders. Whether these invaders are viral, bacterial or fungal in nature, the immune system was created to swiftly defend our body and get rid of any invaders that threaten it.

The way we take care of our immune system is entirely up to us and varies from person to person. That’s why certain people at a party, for instance, avoid contracting a cold or the flu-bug while another person spends the next few days in bed. Protecting and strengthening our immune system is essential to staying healthy. Here are a few factors to consider.

Exercise is considered by some to be one of the best ways to build a strong immune system. During moderate exercise our immune cells are able to travel efficiently throughout our body killing dangerous invaders. Another health benefit of exercise is the detoxifying effect; we eliminate many unwanted toxins through our sweat. Exercise also encourages sleep, which repairs, restores and rebuilds. And for optimal immune health, getting seven to eight hours of regularly scheduled sleep, particularly during the colder months, is very important.

The foods we eat also have an incredibly powerful effect on our immune system. We either ingest foods that are good for us or foods that are not so good for us. Our immune system relies on nutrients for its protective performance, so when it becomes nutrient depleted, it is unable to maintain a high level of protection. Because our body was designed to consume fuel that is biochemically compatible with this design, we need to be proactive in making health-promoting choices that strengthen and support our immune system. Our diets should be comprised of living, breathing foods as we are a living, breathing organism. Eating lots of fresh vegetables and fruits, rich whole grains, raw nuts and seeds, unprocessed oils and fats, drug-free and free-range eggs and meats, while reducing the amount of packaged and processed foods we consume, will help enhance our immune system.

Stress is another factor that can have significant affects on our immune system. Although stressors are a natural part of every day life, it is how we deal with these stressors that will ultimately bring health or harm to our immunity and us. Our thought process alone can either help or hinder our immune system. By thinking and reacting in toxic ways, we allow adrenaline and cortisol to race unimpeded through our body, compromising our immune system and increasing our susceptibility to infection and disease. It’s important to detoxify our unhealthy thoughts and emotions and replace them with positive thoughts and emotions to help deal with everyday stress and enjoy a healthy immune system.

Supplementing with the AIM products can make a tremendous difference in enhancing, strengthening and protecting our immune system as well. Proancynol® 2000 is loaded with powerful, free-radical-fighting antioxidants, AIM Bear Paw Garlic® displays antioxidant activity, AIM FloraFood® is loaded with friendly bacteria which helps our digestive tract, AIM’s Garden Trio ® products can provide us with the extra nutrition we need and bathing in Cell Wellness Restorer™ can help reduce stress and give us the benefits of a mineral spa. These are just a few of the AIM products that can help build up our immune system.

To learn more about which AIM products can help build a strong immune system, please visit My AIM Store website at where you can read more, view the FAQ’s, download a datasheet and even watch a video.

Are you immune?

Fermented Foods

When we think of the word “fermentation” the first thing that usually pops into mind are images of beer and wine. However, fermented nutrients are also important for good health.

Fermentation has been an important part of food preparation for centuries and numerous medical and scientific studies are confirming what folklore has always known. Fermented foods can help us stay healthy.

Fermented foods are traditionally consumed by many societies throughout the world. A standard condiment in Japan is pickled ginger while kimchi, miso, tempeh and natto are consumed in East Asia. Europe and Scandinavian countries enjoy fermented dairy products such as cheese and yoghurt, while fermented vegetables such as sauerkraut are enjoyed in Eastern Europe. Even North American condiments such as mustard and relish contain fermented ingredients.

Fermentation is a natural process, which produces easily digestible foods rich in nutritional value. A natural part of the digestive process, fermentation uses the bacteria in your gut to break down food into an easily absorbed form, allowing it to “predigest” which aids our digestive tract and offers friendly bacteria to help keep our immune systems strong while supporting our overall digestive health.

Fermented foods contain several thousand probiotic cells that produce numerous enzymes, which help to promote the growth of healthy flora all through the gastrointestinal tract. Known as lactobacilli, friendly bacteria thrive in fermented foods and not only aid in digestion but also help support the body’s immune system. During the cold and flu season, probiotics are particularly important if we get sick or need to take antibiotics.

There are a wide variety of fermented foods available to supplement our daily diet. Some of these include: aged and blue cheeses, kefir, olives, pickles, sauerkraut, sourdough bread and yoghurt to name a few, as well as the one mentioned above.

Because many of the fermented foods on the market today are not true fermented foods (created to maximize profits and shelf life) it is important that we look for and eat foods that are fermented with ‘live’ or ‘active’ cultures. Look for unpasteurized and fresh fermented foods in the refrigerator section of your grocery store or health food store and be cautious of the salt content. Some sauerkraut for instance has a very high sodium content.

Most people do not consume a variety of fermented foods as often as needed to maintain a healthy digestive system, so supplementing with a superior nutritional supplement such as AIM FloraFood® may be necessary. To learn how AIM FloraFood® can help maintain digestive health please visit My AIM Store website at where you can read more, view the FAQ’s, download a datasheet and even watch a video.

For a healthy gut and a healthy body, consuming fermented foods can help.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Please “release’ me, let me go…

As I sat down to write this article, that famous song by Engelbert Humperdinck kept running through my head (hence the name of the title). How appropriate, I thought, as this is exactly what needs to happen when we get a build up of toxins in our bodies.

Nowadays, we live in a society with many potentially harmful chemicals in our environment. Unfortunately, they can be anywhere. In our homes, at work and at play. They enter our body through the food we eat, the water drink, the air we breathe, what we put on our skin and what we absorb through our mucous membranes. These chemicals create poisonous substances, known as toxins, in our bodies that can be very detrimental to our health and well-being. If these toxins are not removed, they can build up in the blood and eventually poison us.

Our body works hard eliminating these harmful substances through our urine, bowel movements, skin and respiratory system, however many toxins can and do remain in the fat cells, organs and intestines. Fatigue, digestive problems, skin disorders and the recurrent ‘cold’ or ‘flu’ are all signs that your body’s waste removal system (liver, kidney, lungs, skin, lymphatic and gastrointestinal systems) may not be working optimally and could use a thorough cleansing. Some advocates also believe that regular cleansing can help with chronic conditions such as heart disease, high blood pressure and cholesterol levels, cancer, arthritis and allergies.

As an herbal cleanser, AIM Herbal Release® is great for detoxification! AIM Herbal Release® helps remove toxins that originated in the environment and toxic waste products that our cells produce as part of their metabolism. The herbs in AIM Herbal Release® have been carefully chosen, and work together to help release toxins and gently cleanse and detoxify organs: liver, spleen, digestive tract (including stomach and intestines), blood, gallbladder, pancreas, kidneys and lungs, as well as lymph.

AIM Herbal Release® provides benefits not currently available in any other herbal formulation and also acts as an anti-parasitic. Its unique formulation of barberry root bark, buckthorn bark, cascara sagrada bark, dandelion root, licorice root, sarsaparilla root, boldo leaf, burdock root, chickweed herb, echinacea root and parsley leaf provides benefits not currently available in any other herbal formulation.

By releasing a build up of unwanted toxins and cleansing our organs, we allow the body to heal itself, rewarding us with optimal health and well-being.

To learn more about AIM Herbal Release® and all the benefits these synergistic herbs have to offer please visit My AIM Store website at

‘Beet’ the winter blahs

I don’t know about you, but I just love pickled beets. We use to have a rather large garden where we grew a number of fresh vegetables such as peas, carrots, beans, lettuce, radishes, spinach and beets.

When the cool spring weather arrived we would work at tilling the garden and cleaning it up for a new planting of early vegetables like peas, spinach and beets. Each year we would look for the ‘Detroit Dark Red’ beet seeds as we found these to be the best for growing, eating and pickling.

As with all the vegetables we planted, we’d nurture those beets all season, not letting them get too thirsty, making sure they had enough room between each root and digging out those over bearing weeds that like to choke all the good stuff out of your garden. We couldn’t wait until the beets were big enough to have a feed of fresh beet tops or a taste of the new beetroots we watched grow every day with enthusiasm.

When harvest time arrived in the late summer, we would dig up our beets, wash them with the garden hose and cut the tops off and discard them. (By then the tops were quite weathered and insect eaten). We’d bring the washed beets into the kitchen and spend the entire day cutting, cooking, washing jars, making sweet brine and pickling those beets. I remember how sticky everything felt in the kitchen after we were done and it would take another day to make things feel as if we had everything cleaned up again. What a lot of work!

Then we’d count how many jars we made. It never seemed like enough for all the work it took, but boy, was it worth it! Anytime we’d open a jar for ourselves or when we had company it would practically disappear during one meal. Ah, those were the days! Of course as time would have it, or I should say lack of it, we don’t have the garden anymore and we don’t grow or pickle our own beets anymore either. But that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy all the benefits beets have to offer.

According to one of the world's most noted authorities, Dr. N. W. Walker, "This is one of the most valuable juices for helping to build up the red corpuscles of the blood and tone up the blood generally. It cleanses the liver probably better and faster than anything else. Beetroot produces organic iron of a quality that furnishes excellent food for the blood. The greatest virtue of the chemical elements in the beet is the fact that more than 50% is sodium and valuable for digestion, HCL (hydrochloric acid) production and to balance the stomach acids properly and for maintaining the solubility of calcium."

Paul C. Bragg, author of “The Shocking Truth About Water” suggests beets for longevity and has a recipe for Beet-Veggie soup you can practically live on. He calls red beetroot a longevity food because it produces HCL for the digestion of food.

Amongst other ailments, the Romans used beetroot as a treatment for fever and constipation. They also considered beetroot juice as an aphrodisiac. Over the millennia beetroot has been used to treat a variety of conditions, especially illnesses related to digestion and the blood. Today the beetroot is still championed as a universal cure-all.

If you’d like to enjoy all the benefits beetroot has to offer but find them time consuming to prepare or juice, or find them downright messy, then AIM RediBeets® have come to the rescue. Available in a ready-to-mix powder or convenient-to-take caplets, AIM RediBeets® saves you the trouble of juicing.

The half pound of beets used to make a teaspoon of AIM RediBeets® is residue-free. When the beets are processed to separate the juice and its valuable nutrients from the fiber, the beets are not subjected to high temperatures that may damage their nutrients. AIM RediBeets® offers a convenient way to make
juicing a part of your daily diet and help meet the NCI’s (National Cancer Institute) recommendation to eat five to nine servings of fruits and vegetables per day.

AIM uses only the root of red beets and it takes approximately 25 pounds of beets to make one pound of AIM RediBeets® powder. While there is no processed sugar in AIM RediBeets® it is made up of about 70 percent natural sugars. These natural sugars are what give AIM RediBeets® its sweet taste. Anyone who is diabetic or concerned about blood glucose levels should consult a health practitioner before using AIM RediBeets®.

If you’d like to learn more about AIM RediBeets® and all the benefits it has to offer please visit My AIM Store website at

Here’s a recipe I found on the Internet for Beet Soup (it may be the same or similar to the Paul Bragg recipe I mentioned earlier). It looks healthy and easy to make. What a great way to ‘Beet’ the winter blahs! Enjoy!

Beet Soup:

Raw beets and celery have the highest amounts of organic sodium. Here's a Borscht type of beet soup:

1 small onion, minced
2 cups shredded green cabbage
3 cups shredded raw beets
3 fresh tomatoes (or 1 cup canned unsalted tomatoes)
1 cup shredded carrots
1 teaspoon lemon juice or natural cider vinegar
1 cup diced celery
½ teaspoon kelp seasoning
2 potatoes, diced, skin and all
2 tablespoons unsaturated oil such as soy, corn, olive, safflower
2 cloves garlic, minced
½ cup sour cream, optional

Mince onion and sauté in oil until yellow, about 3 minutes. Add 1 ½ quarts of steam-produced distilled water with vegetables. Simmer about 15 to 20 minutes until vegetables are tender. Season with lemon juice, or pure natural apple cider vinegar. Optional: serve garnished with sour cream.

Are you getting yours?

“Everyone has a doctor in him or her; we just have to help it in its work. The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well. Our food should be our medicine. Our medicine should be our food”…Hippocrates

According to Canada’s Food Guide To Healthy Eating adults need to eat between 5 and 10 servings of fruits and vegetables daily while kids should be consuming 4 to 8 servings daily. And these amounts are not too different for other national food guides.

Research is increasingly showing that people who eat higher amounts of fruits and vegetables as part of a healthy diet are likely to have reduced risk of chronic conditions. Diseases such as type 2 diabetes, some types of cancer, stroke and heart disease can be greatly reduced.

Although our nutrients should come primarily from the foods we eat, it is becoming increasingly difficult to find foods that have not been grown in nutritionally challenged soils. Decades of poor agricultural practices are depleting foods of the nutrients we need for optimal health and wellness. More and more refined, processed and unhealthy foods are making their way to the dinner table, and the results are becoming increasingly severe. Obesity, heart disease, arthritis, diabetes and other chronic conditions and degenerative diseases are gaining a stronghold in North America.

To get the highest possible yield, some producers are forced to rely on chemical fertilizers and pesticides for their crops. Others need to use growth hormones, animal drugs and inhumane confinement for animal production. Nutrition and nutrient content are being neglected.

Not only that but the majority of the fresh fruits and vegetables we consume are coming from such a distance there is next to no nutrition left in them by the time they make it into our homes. It is also questionable as to which chemicals are still being used on some of our imported foods.

That’s why it is important to try and buy foods that haven’t travelled a great distance, buy locally during the months we have access to fresh foods, and buy organic if you can. By choosing foods wisely and eating a rainbow of fresh fruits and vegetables daily, we stand a good chance of getting some of the nutrients our body needs in order to keep our systems running smoothly.

Because it can be difficult consuming enough fresh fruits and vegetables daily due to the available choices or our lifestyles, there are food supplements available which can help provide the nutrients our body needs.

Loaded with essential nutrients found in three important foods—green barley, carrots and beets--AIM Garden Trio® is a great way to get the recommended daily serving of vegetables. You get all the benefits of vitamins, minerals and proteins as well as powerful plant antioxidants, beta-carotene, live enzymes including superoxide dismutase (SOD) and a complete amino acid profile. You’ll maintain whole body health, promote a healthy immune system, have increased energy and feel great!

AIM Garden Trio® is available in three separate canisters of ready-to-mix powder, or in capsules and caplets ready to take. You get all the benefits of juicing without the inconvenience!

Eating a colourful array of fresh fruits and veggies daily and supplementing with high quality whole-food products is necessary for maintaining good health and well-being. Are you getting yours?

To learn more about AIM Garden Trio® please visit My AIM Store website at

Spring cleaning…from the inside out

Spring is almost here! After all the snow and cold we have been experiencing here in Southern Ontario this winter we will be anxious to open up our homes to the nice weather and let the warm spring air fill the rooms. It is such a great feeling to spring clean the house and get outside to work in the yard and garden cleaning things up as the spring flowers make their way to new life once again.

But spring-cleaning our homes and yards shouldn’t be the only cleaning that needs our attention. Our own bodies need to have a good spring-cleaning as well, and AIM has some great products to help cleanse and detoxify.

AIM Herbal FiberBlend® is a unique and powerful combination of cleansing herbs and psyllium to sweep the digestive system clean of toxins and food debris.

AIM Herbal Release® contains 450 mg of herbs per capsule. It cleanses the lymphatic system, functions as an antiparasitic and is great for detoxification. Take it with AIM Herbal FiberBlend® to get complete detoxification effects.

AIM FibreBalance® (Canada only) provides 12 grams of fibre in two scoops, prevents constipation and protects the intestinal wall. It reduces transit time and provides a more thorough evacuation of waste and helps maintain digestive health.

AIM Cascara Sagrada™ helps to tone the colon and provide complete detoxification. It may be used with dietary fibre to help maintain colon health and is available in Canada.

AIM Para 90® is an intestinal cleanser and antiparasitic. It can help you cleanse the digestive tract and maintain a parasite-free system. AIM Para 90® is available in the USA.

The concept of body cleansing has been around for centuries and herbal supplementation to eliminate toxins from the systems of the body is one of the most popular ways to cleanse. These great products can help cleanse, detoxify and keep our digestive systems working optimally. It is also important to drink plenty of water to help flush away toxins, cut back on sugar and other refined foods, and eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables to help with the cleansing process.

To learn more about any of these products please visit My AIM Store website at
Parts Reprinted with permission of AIM International, Inc., Nampa, Idaho.

Treat your cells to Wellness

The average person can live about a month without eating any food, but can only live a few days without water.

As essential as water is to sustain life, water also has extraordinary healing properties. Coupled with minerals found in natural hot springs and mineral baths, water has been used throughout history to treat various ailments, particularly degenerative diseases.

The science of using therapeutic baths, known as balneology, has been around for more than 5,000 years. According to archaeological evidence, the Greeks and Romans used water and bathing as curative remedies. Recognizing the value of bathing in natural hot springs, the Romans developed complex aqueducts for transporting water from remote sources to bathhouses.

Today, therapeutic baths are still recommended. Whether it’s a hot bath for pain, a cold bath for fever or an Epsom salts bath to relieve inflammation, the benefits of therapeutic bathing can help with numerous conditions. The relaxation one can obtain from a quiet respite in a tranquil bath can soothe almost anything that ails us.

With our fast paced lives and the ever-increasing amount of stress we seem to encounter on a regular basis, we need to find positive ways to help cope. Whether it is from anxiety, emotional strain, nutritional imbalance, pain, lack of sleep, trauma or even pollution, stress can have a major impact on our overall health and wellness. Modern thinking is suggesting that stress, and the effects of stress, in our daily lives is contributing to such conditions as cardiovascular disease, cancers, mental disorders, digestive disorders and metabolic disease.

Most people suffering from stressful conditions end up developing patterns for coping that are not healthy which may include eating disorders, sleeping disorders, emotional outbursts, and other such detrimental patterns. Positive methods to help manage stress and stressful conditions can include dietary changes and supplementation, increased activity and exercise, lifestyle changes and relaxation techniques. And what better way to relax then in a nice therapeutic bath!

My parents had a summer/winter home in Windermere when I was growing up which is centrally located between the famous Radium Hot Springs and Fairmount Hot Springs in beautiful British Columbia. What a treat it was to soak in the hot springs after a day at the ski hill. In the summertime, you practically couldn’t get near the hot springs as people from all over the world would come to soak in the warm mineral water to help with whatever condition was ailing them.

If you’d like to experience the benefits of a mineral bath yourself then AIM has just the product for you. AIM Cell Wellness Restorer™ is a one of a kind natural bath additive that brings you the benefits of a mineral spa without having to leave the comfort of your home. By promoting relaxation when used in a bath or spa, AIM Cell Wellness Restorer™ can help to combat stress and its negative affects.

Convenient and easy to use, AIM Cell Wellness Restorer™ is a blend of desalinated seawater and elements, that are essential for the functioning of body cells, such as magnesium. The concentrate is enhanced further by the addition of unique crystals.

Magnesium is essential for many metabolic functions in the body such as the production and transfer of energy at the cellular level, the conduction of nerve impulses, the contraction and relaxation of muscles, and the synthesis of protein. Magnesium also supports DHEA production.

DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone) is a hormone that is present in both men and women and is a naturally occurring precursor of estrogen and testosterone. The most abundant hormone in the body, DHEA shows significant decline in levels after the age of 20 to 30 years and the decline progresses with advancing age. As DHEA affects every system, organ, and tissue in the body, declining levels of DHEA result in ill health.

Research is showing that supplementation with DHEA can make significant improvement in the functioning of the reproductive system, cardiovascular system, and metabolism. DHEA appears to increase muscle strength and lean body mass, trigger the immune system, and improve the sense of well-being.

As no published scientific research can be found to prove or disprove the therapeutic benefits of soaking in mineral water, history and the growing number of spas worldwide substantiate the value of mineral baths.

Thousands of AIM Members using AIM Cell Wellness Restorer™ are experiencing a wide range of benefits. Some of the benefits and features include: supports magnesium and DHEA levels, reduces joint and muscular aches, pains, and swelling, reduces stress, improves sleep, increases energy, softens skin, relieves sunburn, relieves insect bites, all-natural, non-toxic ingredients, fast-acting results and beneficial for healthy cells.

With no other product like it in the world, AIM Cell Wellness Restorer™ is a great way to start the day or end the day with a soothing soak. Treat your cells to wellness…AIM Cell Wellness™ that is!

AIM Cell Wellness Restorer™ is available in a 12 fl oz bottle and comes in 4 packs or 12 packs. (It’s on sale this month!) You can also purchase 2 oz sample bottles (4 pack) as promos. The 2 oz bottles are a great way to introduce someone to CWR. Handing out the 2 oz bottles along with a data sheet with your ID# and contact information, can make a nice “treat.” Try handing them out to your friends and family, hairdresser or barber, grocery store employees, auto mechanic, bus driver, post office personal, or anyone you think would like to experience a spa bath. It’s a great way to introduce people to the AIM products.

You can learn more about this amazing product by visiting My AIM Store website at

Ginkgo makes sense

Just because we are aging, doesn’t mean it has to be a downhill battle. Wrinkles and achy joints are becoming the norm these days and we’re always hearing people say things like “I guess it’s just a part of getting old”. Although there are great supplements to help combat the aches and pains of aging, one thing we need to keep in mind while we age gracefully is to consider our vision and memory health. We need to protect our nervous system to help combat some of the most frightening problems we can face such as Alzheimer’s disease, dementia and macular degeneration.

The nervous system controls communication in the body. Its leader is the brain, which allows us to think, decide, control our actions, and coordinate the ability to move, touch, smell, hear, and see. As with any body system, good nutrition plays an important part in seeing that the good health of the nervous system is maintained.

One way to fight “neuro aging” and help protect ourselves is through the use of dietary supplements. AIM GinkgoSense™ helps maintain our neuro health, especially in regard to memory, concentration, and vision.

This unique combination -- ginkgo biloba with the essential fatty acid DHA, plus bilberry fruit extract, and the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin, provides overall support for our neuro health.

Lutein and zeaxanthin, which are carotenoids found in green leafy vegetables, are essential for maintaining good eye health. And, like other carotenoids, they provide antioxidant support while ginkgo increases blood flow to the brain and supports circulation to the extremities. As we age, anyone concerned with mental acuity and vision may want to consider supplementing with AIM GinkgoSense™.

Growing old is a fact of life. We don’t have control over it but we do have control over how we treat ourselves, and the choices we make. Through a healthy diet, healthy lifestyle and a healthy attitude, we can enjoy aging rather then endure it. How we decide to handle aging is up to us.

Aging is all part of the journey, and Ginkgo makes sense!

If you’d like to learn more about AIM GinkgoSense™, watch a video or read testimonies please visit My AIM Store website at:

Parts Reprinted with permission of AIM International, Inc., Nampa, Idaho.

Fight ‘bac’

With the hot, lazy days of summer fast approaching, many of us will be barbequing, picnicking and taking advantage of all the fresh foods available during the summertime.

Something we need to keep in mind is to make sure we are taking the necessary precautions to ensure we are not consuming the bad bacteria that can make us sick. We want to ensure we are consuming the friendly bacteria our bodies need to maintain digestive health.

Often overlooked at this time of year is safe food handling. An invisible enemy that we can’t see, smell, or feel, bad bacteria can invade food, kitchen surfaces and utensils. By keeping our hands and surfaces washed often, not cross contaminating foods, cooking foods to the proper temperature and refrigerating foods promptly, we can help to keep food safe from harmful bacteria.

Although bacteria thrive in our bodies (more bacteria is in the digestive system than there are cells in the body) we need to keep the ratio of “friendly” bacteria higher than the “unfriendly” bacteria. When “unfriendly” bacteria take over, the effects can be harmful to our health. Diarrhea, gas, bloating, intestinal toxicity, constipation and malabsorption of nutrients can result. Not to mention the pain and damage that can result from pathogens like E. coli and Salmonella.

According to Dr. Michael Murray, N.D. “The intestinal flora is intimately involved in the host’s nutritional status and affects the immune system function, cholesterol metabolism, carcinogenesis, and aging”. Although the term probiotics (friendly bacteria) is somewhat new, the concept of improving ones health by supplementing the natural flora of the gut with additional bacteria ingested orally, dates back to the nineteenth century.

Not only can friendly bacteria counteract the unfriendly bacteria, they can do so much more.

Friendly bacteria helps aid in the digestive process, helps clean the intestinal tract, purify the colon and promote regular bowel movements. These friendly guys also produce antibiotics and antifungals that prevent the growth of harmful bacteria and fungi. They also protect us from environmental toxins such as pesticides and pollutants, reduce toxic waste at the cellular level, and stimulate the repair mechanism of cells. Not only do they contribute to the destruction of molds, viruses, and parasites they also help to maintain healthy cholesterol and triglyceride levels and can break down and rebuild hormones.

Two of the most important friendly types of bacteria necessary to protect the system and maintain a healthy pH balance are: Lactobacillus acidophilus: one of the most extensively studied species of friendly bacteria found in the digestive tract, living and flourishing predominantly in the small intestine. Lactobacilli produce lactic acid in the gut, making it an unsuitable home for unfriendly bacteria. L. acidophilus is commonly recognized for its ability to inhibit microorganisms that produce disease in the vagina and urinary tract, especially Candida albicans. Another benefit is its ability to aid in developing natural defences against foreign intestinal microbes, boosting the immune system. One study, reported in 2002 in the Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand, showed that L. acidophilus has an inhibitory effect against Helicobacter pylori, the bacterium considered to be a main cause of peptic ulcers.

Bifidobacteria: live in the large intestine, or colon, where they produce some necessary vitamins. They have been used to address intestinal disorders and to support the immune system. In an in vitro study reported in Letters of Applied Microbiology (1995), bifidobacteria were shown to help remove cholesterol; this offers hope for people working to keep their cholesterol levels healthy. Specifically, Bifidobacterium bifidum is especially good at enhancing the body’s immune response and inhibiting harmful enzymes, as reported in the Archives of Pharmacal Research in 1998. Bifidobacterium longum is recognized by The Lancet (1987) as being beneficial in relieving gastrointestinal distress caused by antibiotic medications, which kill both bad and good bacteria.

AIM FloraFood® contains a special blend of three powerful friendly bacteria—L. acidophilus, B. bifidum and B. longum.

AIM FloraFood® is designed to help balance the growth of healthy bacteria in the intestinal tract. This digestive support is especially significant for travelers and for people who wish to prevent overgrowth of yeast or unhealthy bacteria (such as Candida albicans or Helicobacter pylori). AIM FloraFood® is an important choice for people who have taken antibiotics or who have eaten meat from animals that may have been treated with antibiotics. AIM FloraFood® is best taken with meals so that the stomach acid stays busy digesting food rather than attacking the healthy bacteria.

Enjoy the hot, lazy days of summer. Practice safe food handling, and fight ‘bac’ with AIM FloraFood®!

More information about AIM FloraFood® can be obtained by visiting My AIM Store website at
You may take AIM FloraFood® with other AIM products; however, AIM PrepZymes® will break down the bacteria in AIM FloraFood®, so they should be taken at separate meals.
Parts Reprinted with permission of AIM International, Inc., Nampa, Idaho

Have you reached your peak?

The primary source of energy for every function that occurs within each cell of the body is Adenosine triphosphate (ATP). If ATP is depleted, cells cease to function properly which can result in many of the diseases we associate with stress or aging.

ATP is a product of the Krebs cycle, in which cells produce usable energy. ATP production begins to diminish after age 20 and by age 70 we make about half as much ATP as we used to.

AIM Peak Endurance™ provides PEAK ATP®, the only oral source of ATP clinically proven to elevate ATP levels within the body and is so unique it is protected by several patents. AIM Peak Endurance™ is a grape electrolyte drink mix combining ATP (adenosine triphosphate), electrolytes, and B vitamins.

Some supplements and sports drinks have attempted to supply the building blocks needed for our body to produce energy, but only PEAK ATP® gives us ATP directly, in a form we can absorb and make use of.

In addition to PEAK ATP®, grape-flavoured AIM Peak Endurance™ contains electrolytes, and is truly an “energy drink”. Electrolytes are minerals that are necessary for conducting nerve impulses in our bodies. We sweat electrolytes out so it is important to replace them. A typical commercial sports drink contains three electrolytes and 10 – 49 grams of sugar. AIM Peak Endurance™ has five electrolytes – sodium, potassium, chloride, magnesium and calcium – and only half a gram of sugar per serving.

Because AIM Peak Endurance™ enhances blood flow, it may help distribute other AIM products throughout the body and is the perfect complement to AIM BarleyLife®.

AIM Peak Endurance™:
-Elevates ATP levels in cells, blood, and tissues -Increases energy levels and reduces fatigue -Stimulates blood flow to peripheral sites -Supports cardiovascular and respiratory health -Replenishes electrolytes lost during exercise -Supplies B vitamins that are lacking in vegetarian diets -Improves muscle growth, strength, and recovery -Boosts mental acuity and memory

To learn more about AIM Peak Endurance and download a datasheet please visit My AIM Store website at:
Including AIM Peak Endurance™ into our daily supplement, regime can help us reach our peak.

Parts Reprinted with permission of AIM International, Inc., Nampa, Idaho

“Prep’ for better health

In the 1920’s Dr. Edward Howell, a noted pioneer in the field of food enzyme research, began theorizing that humans are given a limited supply of enzyme energy at birth, and that it is up to us to replenish our supply of enzymes. If we do not replenish our supply, we run the risk of ill health.

He questioned the use of cooked, processed food for human consumption and found that heating food to 118 F. for a period of more than 15 minutes destroyed all the enzymes. Dr. Howell wrote two books on the subject reporting his life’s work: Food Enzymes for Health and Longevity and Enzyme Nutrition.

Enzymes are complex proteins that act as catalysts in almost every biochemical process that takes place in the body. There are three major classifications of enzymes:

Metabolic enzymes: play a role in all bodily processes including breathing, talking, moving, and thinking as well as help to turn phosphorus into bone, heal wounds and make sure our hearts beat.

Digestive enzymes: are primarily secreted by the pancreas and work to break down foods so that nutrients can be absorbed into the bloodstream and used in body functions. There are about 22 digestive enzymes, which target different nutrients, and they are systematically named: for example, protease digests protein, amylase digests amylase (starch/carbohydrates), lipase digests lipids (fats and oils), maltase digests maltose (sugars often found in grains), and so on.

Food enzymes: are enzymes supplied to us through fresh, uncooked foods. They are the enzymes that make uneaten food decompose, but if we eat the food while it is still fresh, food enzymes help us “predigest” or break down the food for us before our bodies’ enzymes begin to do so.

When we are young, says Dr. Howell, our normal ability to produce enzymes internally promotes rapid growth, and in most cases prevents serious illness. But as we age, our internal enzymes become depleted. Unless we do something to stop their one-way flow out of the body, our digestive and eliminative capacities weaken; this can lead to acute health complaints, obesity, and chronic illnesses. Dr. Howell concludes that the best way to help the body keep a high enzyme content is to follow a diet rich in raw foods based on fruits, nuts, seeds and vegetables. This can prevent many diseases and the body will have a long life of health and well-being.

Consuming more enzymes assists the body’s own enzyme supply, and helps with proper digestion of food, which can lead to a healthier life. When foods are properly broken down, we can extract (absorb) and utilize more nutrients, giving our cells what they need. For many people, this results in being satisfied with a lesser quantity of food, which can help maintain a stable weight. Proper digestion also helps prevent toxic buildup in the digestive tract. When food remains in the stomach or intestines, it rots and putrefies, producing bacteria and toxins that can lead to constipation, bloating, gas, fatigue, weight gain or weight loss, headaches, and more.

Because of all the prepared, processed and pasteurized foods we consume in today’s diet, as well as the fact that most of the fresh food has traveled great distances to get to us and may sit in the store or warehouse losing their enzyme content from when they were first picked, it makes sense to look at enzyme supplements.

AIM PrepZymes® combines cultured enzymes with enzyme-rich papaya fruit and alpine wild garlic for additional antioxidant benefit. Cultured enzymes are valuable because they are active in both acidic and alkaline environments; the digestive tract has a wide pH range (the stomach is very acidic and the intestines are generally alkaline), so cultured enzymes are able to function throughout the digestive tract. The enzymes are cultivated and purified so that no fungi, bacteria or yeasts remain in the product. The unique combination of enzymes in AIM PrepZymes® has been specially formulated to help digest a wide range of processed foods so prevalent in today’s modern diet, including fats, proteins, hidden sugars, dairy products, and snack foods.

To learn more about AIM PrepZymes® please visit My AIM Store website at: With the help of AIM PrepZymes®, we can “Prep” for better health!

**AIM PrepZymes® are best taken immediately before or during meals so they can begin to break down the food before the pancreas becomes overworked by having to secrete more enzymes than necessary. You may take AIM PrepZymes® with other AIM products, however, AIM PrepZymes® will break down the healthy probiotic bacteria in AIM FloraFood®, so it is recommended to take these two products separately with different meals. It is also recommended that those with gastritis or gastric or duodenal ulcers should not use AIM PrepZymes® as it may result in irritation.

Parts Reprinted with permission of AIM International, Inc., Nampa, Idaho

Turn over a new leaf…with AIM Leaf Greens™

Last June at the Convention in Norfolk Virginia, AIM proudly unveiled the newest addition to their family of greens with a one-of-a kind product called AIM Leaf Greens™.

According to the AIM datasheet on LeafGreens™ ”leaves are among the most abundant sources of vital nutrients on the planet. AIM uses revolutionary technology to harness the nutritional value of a select few of those leaves to produce a whole food concentrate…AIM LeafGreens™. This combination of spinach, field pea, faba bean, and barley leaves creates a truly one-of-a kind whole food health product. AIM LeafGreens™ is the only product on the market to utilize this unique blend of leaves that work synergistically for optimal health benefits.”

What makes this product different from anything on the market today is the exclusive ultra-cold filtration technique AIM uses. The juice is chilled to below 6.67ºC (44ºF) and concentrated through a series of filters. Further concentrating creates a viscous slurry of leaf juice which is then spray dried into a powder at a low temperature using no chemicals or additives. Through this concentration process, it takes 10 kilograms of leaves (22 pounds) to make a 228-gram canister of AIM LeafGreens™. More leaves, more nutrition!

Because of it’s unique blend of spinach, pea, faba bean and barley leaves, AIM LeafGreens™ can provide the power of greens your cells need for optimal health. Containing high levels of plant-based protein, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytochemicals, one daily serving will provide an unprecedented wealth of natural nutrients to protect and maintain whole-body health. Smooth and mild citrus tasting, AIM Leaf Green’s™ is appropriate for vegetarian and strict vegan diets as well. No other green food compares to AIM LeafGreens™!

To learn more about this exciting new product please visit My AIM Store website at There is also a Q & A section on page 17 of the September-October Living Well magazine that lists a few of the most frequently asked questions AIM has received during the first few months since the introduction of LeafGreens™ and AIM’s answers to them.

Start energizing your life (or someone you know) from the inside out. Turn over a new leaf…with AIM Leaf Greens™!

**If you have severe medical problems or are on a restricted diet, expecially in regard to green foods and vitamin K, it is recommended that you consult with your health care provider prior to use.

Parts Reprinted with permission of AIM International, Inc., Nampa, Idaho

Natural Help For Menopause

Menopause is a natural occurrence that happens as women age. It is the natural end of every woman’s reproductive years. Hormone levels begin to drop and the menstrual flow ceases. Although women can suffer from hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, breast tenderness, decreased sex drive, depression, fatigue, headaches, irritability, memory loss, water retention, weight gain and osteoporosis, there are natural remedies that can help reduce and even alleviate some or all of these symptoms of menopause.

Now that we know traditional HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) using synthetic estrogen and progestins increases the risk of heart disease and breast cancer, more and more women and health care providers are looking for natural alternatives in treating symptoms related to menopause.

One place to start is with our diet, which we can use to help control some of these menopausal symptoms. Avoid foods such as carbonated beverages, which contain phosphorous that can increase bone loss. Excessive sugar intake will not only cause weight gain, it can limit the liver’s ability to metabolize estrogen, which can weaken the immune system. Limiting consumption of commercially raised meats including pork, beef and chicken can also help as these foods contain high amounts of saturated fats which can also decrease the body’s ability to metabolize estrogen. Commercially raised meats can also contain synthetic growth hormones that add to symptoms. Avoid junk foods.

Increasing our intake of foods that contain phytoestrogens (plant estrogens with mild estrogenic effects) such as soybeans, yellow and red lentils and other legumes as well as consuming whole grains, nuts and seeds, and plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables not only helps regulate menopausal symptoms, but helps to eliminate toxins from the body regularly which is also very important. Plenty of fresh water helps as well. As an added bonus, try some fresh lemon juice in your water which helps detoxify the liver and gallbladder, and an ice-cold glass of water can help make women feel cooler if they are experiencing hot flashes.

Natural supplements are showing beneficial effects for menopausal women as well. For instance, red clover isoflavone supplements have been shown to have a positive effect on the rate of bone loss, improve cardiovascular health, and are valued for reducing the incidence of hot flashes. Black Cohosh, Dong Quai, Ginseng, and Evening Primrose Oil can also help many women manage menopause symptoms. Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidus (the "good" bacteria in our intestines) cultures are also important for women during menopause to help with metabolism and utilization of estrogen. These "good" bacteria can also help reduce the incidence of yeast infections.

A primary concern of menopause is the increased risk of osteoporosis. Increasing our calcium intake is usually recommended to help bone integrity along with an adequate supply of vitamin D, which helps in the absorption, and use of calcium. It is important to note that the best type of calcium is calcium citrate and not calcium carbonate, which may not be fully absorbed.

Exercise also plays a key role in the prevention of osteoporosis and can help increase bone mass. Bones diminish in size and strength if we’re not using them. Weight bearing exercise such as walking and running will help increase bone mass and studies show that moderate exercise in postmenopausal women preserves bone mass in the spine and helps reduce the risk of fractures.

Although a nutritious diet, regular exercise and a healthy lifestyle can help during a woman’s transitional years, studies show that dietary and herbal supplements can be effective in reducing menopausal symptoms as well.

There is natural help for menopause and products such as AIM Revitafem®, AIM Renewed Balance® (USA), AIMega®, ProBone® (Canada), CalciAIM™ (USA) and AIM FloraFood® can help meet those needs.

To learn more about the benefits and features of these AIM products as well as their suggested usage and whether they have any contraindications, please visit My AIM Store website at where you can read more, view the FAQ’s, download a datasheet and even watch a video.

**It’s important to consult with your health care provider when switching to natural therapy.

**PLEASE NOTE: Pregnant or nursing women should not use AIM RevitaFem®.

Natural Help For Restless Leg Syndrome

Although Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) is a little understood neurological disorder, it is sometimes classed as a sleep disorder because of the disruption it can cause at night. Also known as Ekbom’s syndrome, this misunderstood yet common condition causes uncomfortable sensations in the legs that are only calmed by restless movement and an uncontrollable urge to move the legs. It is estimated that about one in twenty people will suffer from RLS during their lifetime.

Typical symptoms of RLS include twitching or jerking, the sensation of something creeping beneath the skin, the sensation of pins and needles, a burning sensation, tingling, aching and pain. These sensations mainly affect the calf area of the leg, are usually worse during the late afternoons or evenings, and can be particularly strong when trying to go to sleep. As a result, RLS can lead to problems associated with sleep deprivation, such as anxiety and depression.

Although the cause of RLS is still unknown, there is some evidence linking it to nerve irritation when fatigued, stressed or anxious. It has also been linked with smoking, diabetes, stroke, respiratory illness, kidney problems and pregnancy. Treatment for Restless Leg Syndrome can be specific to each individual, however making a few changes to diet and lifestyle may alleviate some symptoms.

Include foods in your diet that are rich in potassium, such as dried apricots, bananas, avocados and potatoes. Include more calcium from sources such as leafy vegetables (brocccoli), sardines, almonds and Brazil nuts and low fat milk products. Also include more magnesium, which is found in many fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lentils and brown rice.

Limit or exclude caffeine: coffee, tea, chocolate, sodas, and even over-the-counter (OTC) medications may contain caffeine. Try cutting your consumption of caffeine-containing foods and medications to see if your condition improves. If you do take over the counter medications, such as certain cold medications and allergy pills, some contain mild stimulants that can result in jittery legs. Ask your pharmacist if the medications you are taking contain stimulants and whether there are any nonstimulating alternatives.

Moderate exercise may also help such as walking three times a week or some other form of low impact exercise such as aquafit or rebounding on a mini-trampoline. A warm bath or massage before bed helps to relax muscles. Bathing with AIM Cell Wellness Restorer™ in the bath can be beneficial as it contains magnesium which helps with fatigue, insomnia and muscle twitching. Magnesium helps the muscles relax and relieves stress to help provide you with a goods nights rest.

Supplements that may also help with RLS include folic acid, iron, co-enzyme Q10, gingko biloba and garlic. AIM products such as BarleyLife®, LeafGreens™, CellSparc 360®, GinkgoSense™ and Bear Paw Garlic® can help provide you with the extra nutrients your body needs to reduce the symptoms and sensations associated with Restless Leg Syndrome.

To learn more about the benefits and features of these AIM products as well as their suggested usage and whether they have any contraindications, please visit My AIM Store website at where you can read more, view the FAQ’s, download a datasheet and even watch a video.

If you suffer from Restless Leg Syndrome it is always a good idea to consult with your health care provider before beginning natural therapy if you have any health issues or concerns, and always make sure you learn about products before you start taking them to make sure they are compatible with any medications or other supplements you may be taking.

For more information about Restless Leg Syndrome search on the internet or visit your local library. Although the cause of RLS has not yet been determined, changes in diet and lifestyle, exercise and supplementation can all help to alleviate some of the symptoms and lead to natural help for Restless Leg Syndrome.

Is My Food Affecting My Mood?

We’re all aware of the significance a nutritious diet can have on keeping us healthy, but do we ever consider what affects certain foods can have on our mood? Food affects mood, which influences the production of neurotransmitters in the brain. In turn, our moods affect our desires for certain foods.

Although there are several neurotransmitters involved, most of the relationship between food and mood centres on serotonin, the neurotransmitter responsible for feeling relaxed and calm, giving us a sense of well-being, and also responsible for helping us sleep.

There is a growing interest in how food and nutrition can affect emotional and mental health, and positive responses from individuals who have made changes to their diet confirm the importance of food and nutrition for maintaining or improving their emotional and mental health.

There are many explanations for the cause-and-effect relationship between food and mood such as:

-Too much caffeine for instance (found in coffee, tea, cola soft drinks and even chocolate) can cause symptoms such as nervousness, anxiety and depression.

-Inadequate levels of vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids can affect mental health, with some symptoms associated with particular nutritional deficiencies. For example, links have been established between low levels of certain B-vitamins and symptoms of schizophrenia, low levels of the mineral zinc and eating disorders, and low levels of omega-3 oils and depression.

-We can have undesirable reactions to artificial chemicals in foods, such as artificial colourings and flavourings, and we can become hypersensitive to foods causing allergies or sensitivities.

-Fluctuations in blood sugar levels are associated with changes in mood and energy, and are affected by what we eat.

-We can have reactions which are due to the deficiency of an enzyme needed to digest a food. Lactase, for instance, is needed to digest lactose (milk sugar) and without it, intolerance to milk can result.

-Neurotransmitters such as serotonin can be affected by what we have eaten, and a build up of environmental toxins can affect the proper functioning of the body and brain.

Although the exact cause-and-effect relationship between different foods and moods has not been scientifically determined, many people have found they can link eating (or not eating) certain foods with how they feel. The foods and drinks that most often cause problems are those containing sugar, caffeine, alcohol, wheat, dairy products, certain artificial additives or chemicals and hydrogenated fats. Considerable improvements to a wide range of health issues can result from making changes to what we eat.

Eating a minimum of five servings of fresh fruit and vegetables daily (preferably organically grown) provides nutrients to nourish the body and mind. Choosing foods that release energy slowly, such as oats and unrefined whole grains, can help with fluctuating blood sugar levels. Protein foods such as fish, beans, eggs and nuts or seeds help to smooth the negative effects of irritability, fatigue and poor concentration. Essential fatty acids such as omega-3 found in oil-rich fish and flax, are very important for the development and healthy functioning of the brain. Water is also a vital substance for a healthy body and mind. Not only is water convenient and inexpensive, drinking the recommended six to eight glasses daily can quickly change how we feel both physically and mentally.

Of course the best source of nutrients we need are from a balanced and varied diet rich in health supporting foods, however we may need to supplement our diets with extra nutrients to ensure we are receiving adequate nutrition to maintain whole body (and mental) health. The whole food products and nutritional supplements AIM provides can help fill that void for maintaining or improving emotional, mental and physical health.

Good nutrition and a healthy lifestyle are key factors for optimal health both physically and mentally, so the next time you reach for something to eat, ask yourself…Is My Food Affecting My Mood?

For more information on AIM’s whole food products and nutritional supplements, please visit My AIM Store website at where you can read more, download a data sheet or watch a video.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Back to School—start them off right

With the start of a brand new school year, what better way to help get children, teens and adults alike into the habit of drinking healthy beverages, than to pop an AIM BarleyLife® Xtra stick pack into their lunch bag. Just add one packet to 200 to 300 ml of water or non-acidic juice, and give it a shake for easy mixing.

Most of the popular fast foods, drinks and snacks create an acidic environment in the body, which is a magnet for ill health. Barley grass has a neutral pH, which can neutralize an acidic body.

Getting proper nutrition in our daily lives is becoming increasingly difficult. Due to hectically made lunches, rushing to make the bus on time, scurrying between classes or just plain exhaustion by days end, we have a tendency to reach for the quick, fast and snacky foods that have little or no beneficial nutrition. Just about everyday in the news we’re being told that child and adulthood obesity and poor health is on the rise.

AIM BarleyLife® Xtra energyXpress pax makes getting good nutrition easy! It has a sweet flavour and is available in a 6-gram single serving size. Just pop one in with your child’s lunch or have them keep some in their locker if they eat in the cafeteria. All they need to do is mix it in a bottle of water or their favourite juice and voila! a super nutritious snack! Abundant in enzymes, essential amino acids, rich in antioxidant ability, anti-inflammatory activity, immune system support and cholesterol lowering effects, what better way to ensure your child gets the superior nutritional support they need.

And don’t forget while giving them the added nutrition they need we must also ensure they are getting plenty of fresh air and exercise. With the alarming rate of obesity in children and young adults these days it’s important to encourage a healthy lifestyle.

If you would like to learn more about AIM BarleyLife® please visit My AIM Store website at and have a great day!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Blogging To Better Health and Wealth

Good Day to All!

Beginning this week, we will be posting articles which are dedicated to anyone interested in health and nutrition. If you’d like to learn how to support a healthy lifestyle then reading our articles is a must. Watch for our first article posting this week!