Sunday, December 14, 2008

Fermented Foods

When we think of the word “fermentation” the first thing that usually pops into mind are images of beer and wine. However, fermented nutrients are also important for good health.

Fermentation has been an important part of food preparation for centuries and numerous medical and scientific studies are confirming what folklore has always known. Fermented foods can help us stay healthy.

Fermented foods are traditionally consumed by many societies throughout the world. A standard condiment in Japan is pickled ginger while kimchi, miso, tempeh and natto are consumed in East Asia. Europe and Scandinavian countries enjoy fermented dairy products such as cheese and yoghurt, while fermented vegetables such as sauerkraut are enjoyed in Eastern Europe. Even North American condiments such as mustard and relish contain fermented ingredients.

Fermentation is a natural process, which produces easily digestible foods rich in nutritional value. A natural part of the digestive process, fermentation uses the bacteria in your gut to break down food into an easily absorbed form, allowing it to “predigest” which aids our digestive tract and offers friendly bacteria to help keep our immune systems strong while supporting our overall digestive health.

Fermented foods contain several thousand probiotic cells that produce numerous enzymes, which help to promote the growth of healthy flora all through the gastrointestinal tract. Known as lactobacilli, friendly bacteria thrive in fermented foods and not only aid in digestion but also help support the body’s immune system. During the cold and flu season, probiotics are particularly important if we get sick or need to take antibiotics.

There are a wide variety of fermented foods available to supplement our daily diet. Some of these include: aged and blue cheeses, kefir, olives, pickles, sauerkraut, sourdough bread and yoghurt to name a few, as well as the one mentioned above.

Because many of the fermented foods on the market today are not true fermented foods (created to maximize profits and shelf life) it is important that we look for and eat foods that are fermented with ‘live’ or ‘active’ cultures. Look for unpasteurized and fresh fermented foods in the refrigerator section of your grocery store or health food store and be cautious of the salt content. Some sauerkraut for instance has a very high sodium content.

Most people do not consume a variety of fermented foods as often as needed to maintain a healthy digestive system, so supplementing with a superior nutritional supplement such as AIM FloraFood® may be necessary. To learn how AIM FloraFood® can help maintain digestive health please visit My AIM Store website at where you can read more, view the FAQ’s, download a datasheet and even watch a video.

For a healthy gut and a healthy body, consuming fermented foods can help.

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