He questioned the use of cooked, processed food for human consumption and found that heating food to 118 F. for a period of more than 15 minutes destroyed all the enzymes. Dr. Howell wrote two books on the subject reporting his life’s work: Food Enzymes for Health and Longevity and Enzyme Nutrition.
Enzymes are complex proteins that act as catalysts in almost every biochemical process that takes place in the body. There are three major classifications of enzymes:
Metabolic enzymes: play a role in all bodily processes including breathing, talking, moving, and thinking as well as help to turn phosphorus into bone, heal wounds and make sure our hearts beat.
Digestive enzymes: are primarily secreted by the pancreas and work to break down foods so that nutrients can be absorbed into the bloodstream and used in body functions. There are about 22 digestive enzymes, which target different nutrients, and they are systematically named: for example, protease digests protein, amylase digests amylase (starch/carbohydrates), lipase digests lipids (fats and oils), maltase digests maltose (sugars often found in grains), and so on.
Food enzymes: are enzymes supplied to us through fresh, uncooked foods. They are the enzymes that make uneaten food decompose, but if we eat the food while it is still fresh, food enzymes help us “predigest” or break down the food for us before our bodies’ enzymes begin to do so.
When we are young, says Dr. Howell, our normal ability to produce enzymes internally promotes rapid growth, and in most cases prevents serious illness. But as we age, our internal enzymes become depleted. Unless we do something to stop their one-way flow out of the body, our digestive and eliminative capacities weaken; this can lead to acute health complaints, obesity, and chronic illnesses. Dr. Howell concludes that the best way to help the body keep a high enzyme content is to follow a diet rich in raw foods based on fruits, nuts, seeds and vegetables. This can prevent many diseases and the body will have a long life of health and well-being.
Consuming more enzymes assists the body’s own enzyme supply, and helps with proper digestion of food, which can lead to a healthier life. When foods are properly broken down, we can extract (absorb) and utilize more nutrients, giving our cells what they need. For many people, this results in being satisfied with a lesser quantity of food, which can help maintain a stable weight. Proper digestion also helps prevent toxic buildup in the digestive tract. When food remains in the stomach or intestines, it rots and putrefies, producing bacteria and toxins that can lead to constipation, bloating, gas, fatigue, weight gain or weight loss, headaches, and more.
Because of all the prepared, processed and pasteurized foods we consume in today’s diet, as well as the fact that most of the fresh food has traveled great distances to get to us and may sit in the store or warehouse losing their enzyme content from when they were first picked, it makes sense to look at enzyme supplements.
AIM PrepZymes® combines cultured enzymes with enzyme-rich papaya fruit and alpine wild garlic for additional antioxidant benefit. Cultured enzymes are valuable because they are active in both acidic and alkaline environments; the digestive tract has a wide pH range (the stomach is very acidic and the intestines are generally alkaline), so cultured enzymes are able to function throughout the digestive tract. The enzymes are cultivated and purified so that no fungi, bacteria or yeasts remain in the product. The unique combination of enzymes in AIM PrepZymes® has been specially formulated to help digest a wide range of processed foods so prevalent in today’s modern diet, including fats, proteins, hidden sugars, dairy products, and snack foods.
To learn more about AIM PrepZymes® please visit My AIM Store website at: http://awealthofhealth.myaimstore.com With the help of AIM PrepZymes®, we can “Prep” for better health!
**AIM PrepZymes® are best taken immediately before or during meals so they can begin to break down the food before the pancreas becomes overworked by having to secrete more enzymes than necessary. You may take AIM PrepZymes® with other AIM products, however, AIM PrepZymes® will break down the healthy probiotic bacteria in AIM FloraFood®, so it is recommended to take these two products separately with different meals. It is also recommended that those with gastritis or gastric or duodenal ulcers should not use AIM PrepZymes® as it may result in irritation.
Parts Reprinted with permission of AIM International, Inc., Nampa, Idaho
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