Well, I was originally going to join with the ranks and write an article about the importance of spring-cleaning our body, when it occurred to me that we should actually be supporting our elimination system on a daily basis through diet, exercise, and a healthy lifestyle. Not just every spring.
Detoxification is a natural process the body uses to remove impurities and potentially harmful substances from our systems. An accumulation of toxins and other waste products can hamper the proper functioning of our tissues, glands, and organs. Considering all the contaminants that exist in our food and the environment nowadays, our elimination systems are often overwhelmed, and this toxic overload can lead to chronic ailments, degenerative diseases and a whole lot of discomfort.
Fortunately, our body has a system in place for detoxifying and eliminating harmful toxic waste. Our skin, lungs, lymphatic system, liver, kidneys, and colon all work around the clock filtering and eliminating toxins, so it’s really vital to support these mechanisms which are keeping us healthy.
Under normal circumstances the body is able to eliminate toxins through urine, feces, perspiration and exhalation. We can either support, or hinder, our natural detoxification process by the kinds of foods we eat, the dietary supplements we take, the medications we use, and the lifestyle choices we make.
Poor dietary choices are one of the most important reasons why the body does not eliminate toxins and harmful substances effectively. A diet low in fibre, for instance, can reduce transit time, lead to constipation, and hold back toxins that need to be eliminated. A diet high in sugar and processed foods can also impede the body’s detoxifying process, making it difficult for proper elimination of toxins. So what can we do to help our body detoxify itself?
For starters, a diet that includes a variety of fresh colorful vegetables and fruits, rich whole grains, raw nuts and seeds, unprocessed oils and fats, organic and free-range eggs, sufficient lean protein, organic-low-fat dairy products, and plenty of water will provide us with the nutrients we need to help promote the optimal performance of our elimination systems.
Whole grain and grain products, fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds and legumes are all good sources of dietary fibre. Studies have found a diet high in fibre reduces the incidences of many of today’s health conditions including colon cancer and diverticulosis. As fibre moves through our intestines, it scours the linings and pushes accumulated fats, cholesterol, sugars and chemical toxins out through the colon. As a matter of fact, it’s often said that a bowel movement is considered to be the ultimate detox, so it’s important to get enough fibre on a daily basis in our diet.
Exercise and a healthy lifestyle are also important for a healthy elimination system. When we exercise, it helps to keep things ‘moving’ (no pun intended), and we also eliminate many toxins through sweating and exhalation. You don’t need to be an elite athlete to enjoy exercise. Simply going for a walk will help the body’s natural processes. Smoking, excessive amounts of alcohol and pharmaceutical drugs can hamper the body’s detoxification systems as well. Limiting these or giving them up all together will definitely improve the body’s ability to detoxify.
Good old-fashioned H2O is also prudent in helping our body eliminate toxins, but many people aren’t drinking enough of this great stuff. Water is needed to carry nutrients to our cells, and waste products away from them. Adequate water consumption is vital to our day-to-day health. Consuming sufficient water has been associated with a decreased risk of kidney stone formation and a decreased risk of bladder, breast, and colon cancer.
Dietary and nutritional supplements can also be very beneficial in supporting our elimination system, and AIM has many excellent products to help our body detoxify, cleanse, nourish and energize itself.
AIM BarleyLife® is a live, nutrient-dense juice powder of young barley plants providing a broad spectrum of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, antioxidants, phytochemicals, protein, amino acids, and chlorophyll. Helps to balance your pH, neutralize body acidity, and promote a healthy immune system.
AIM Herbal FiberBlend® is a unique and powerful combination of psyllium fibre and 16 herbs that cleanses and detoxifies the body, sweeps the digestive system clean of toxins and food debris, and maintains bowel regularity.
AIM Herbal Release® is a unique combination of herbs that helps to cleanse, maintain a healthy digestive system, promote elimination, and support a healthy immune system. It cleanses the lymphatic system, functions as an antiparasitic and is great for detoxification. Take it with AIM Herbal FiberBlend® to get complete detoxification effects.
AIM FibreBalance® provides 12 grams of fibre in two scoops, with 75% insoluble fibre and 25% soluble fibre. The fibre from oat, inulin, and flax seed plus 6 herbs help to relieve constipation, protect intestinal walls, and maintain healthy cholesterol and blood sugar levels. It reduces transit time and provides a more thorough evacuation of waste and helps maintain digestive health.
AIM Cascara Sagrada helps to maintain bowel regularity, gently scour the intestinal walls, and remove toxins. Helps to tone the colon and provide complete detoxification. It may be used with dietary fibre to help maintain colon health.
AIM Para 90® is an herbal cleansing dietary supplement with anti-parasitic properties. It combines cleansing herbs with bromelain, a digestive enzyme. Helps to cleanse the digestive tract and maintain a parasite-free system.
AIM FloraFood® contains a special proprietary blend of three powerful and proven bacteria— L. gasseri, B. bifidum and B. longum. These ‘friendly’ bacteria help aid in the digestive process, help clean the intestinal tract, purify the colon and promote regular bowel movements.
AIM HumiKleanse® is a natural chelating supplement that helps your body rid itself of heavy metal accumulations through the normal elimination process while enhancing the body’s ability to utilize trace minerals.
It doesn’t need to be spring to spring-clean our body. By making wise choices in our diet, getting some regular exercise, drinking sufficient water, having a healthy lifestyle, and including dietary supplements to aid our digestive system and enhance detoxification, we can support and maintain our natural elimination process and feel revitalized everyday. Have a Happy Spring!
For more information about any of these AIM products, please visit www.followthegreen.com where you can read more, download datasheets and watch videos. As with any nutritional supplement it is always recommended to read the literature thoroughly to find out if the product is right for you, and consult your health care practitioner if you have any medical conditions or concerns.
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