Saturday, June 26, 2010

Go Nuts

Nuts are good for us. They contain protein, vitamins and minerals, and are a good source of healthy fats. They’re rich in carbohydrates, antioxidants and fibre and also provide B vitamins, vitamin E, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and other valuable nutrients. Nuts are also a great dietary source of healthy monounsaturated fats. Nuts are definitely part of a healthy diet.

Most people don’t eat enough of them, which is partly due to their high calorie and fat content. Yes, they may be high in fat, but they contain high levels of healthy fats, which are known to have heart-protective benefits. Researchers have found that people who eat nuts regularly have lower risks of heart disease, and research is showing that health benefits appear to increase as nut consumption increases. Research suggests the risk of coronary disease and the risk of developing type 2 diabetes both appear to decrease as nut consumption increases from consuming them less than once a week, to consuming them once or more per day. To gain the maximum benefits, studies suggest that 30 to 60 grams of nuts should be consumed daily. (Research is from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition).

As nuts come from a variety of plant types, each variety of nut has its own nutritional benefit. A few examples are:

Almonds provide vitamin E, copper and iron, protein and dietary fibre, which can promote healthy aging, protect against Alzheimer's disease, decrease free radial damage and help the digestive system work effectively. Almonds can promote healthy skin and are know to improve bone density.

Brazil nuts are rich in protein, fiber, selenium, magnesium, phosphorous, vitamin E and thiamine. Selenium in these nuts helps to ward off the risk of cancer and helps fight carcinogenic free radicals. Brazil nuts can also help maintain weight and may help in the proper functioning of the thyroid gland.

Cashews provide us with protein, iron, zinc, magnesium and copper. They have high levels of monounsaturated fats, which promote good cardiovascular health. Cashews can help to reduce triglyceride levels in people with diabetes and research suggests incorporating cashew nuts in the diet can help reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Cashews are also a rich source of antioxidants, which can help in eliminating free radicals that can cause harm to our cells.

Pecans are a good source of protein, vitamin E, the B vitamin thiamine, calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, monounsaturated fats and fibre. Pecans can help with blood pressue, breast cancer, prostate health and heart health.

Walnuts are a rich source of omega –3 fatty acids and magnesium. They help strengthen the immune system, protect the heart and help nourish the brain. They help reduce cholesterol levels in the body and aid in production of good cholesterol. They are also known to increase bone density and prevent gallstones.

When purchasing nuts, look for natural unsalted nuts and buy organic if possible. Also watch the added salt content on packaged nuts. The sodium content can be quite high which isn’t good for hypertension and other health issues. Another thing to keep in mind is although nuts make a perfect snack, don’t get too nutty over them. A handful of nuts packs around 200 calories, so it’s best to dole them out in a small container rather than eat them right out of the bag/can.

Whether it’s almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, hazelnuts, macadamias, pecans, pistachios or walnuts, the list of benefits each nut provides is endless. The next time you feel like a snack, reach for some nuts. Don’t fret too much they may be high in fat and calories; they’ll do the body more good than you can imagine. Go ahead and go nuts!

Note: Nuts should not be eaten by anyone who has an allergy to them. Always check for allergies before giving any nuts to children or adults.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Summertime Endurance

Sports and power drinks become increasingly popular during this time of year with more and more people spending time outdoors. Whether we are working in our yards and gardens, exercising, participating in sporting events, or working in the heat, there comes a time when we feel hot, tired and exhausted. Our body temperature feels as though it’s going through the roof and we need fluids to help counteract the effects of such heat.

When sweating takes place during sports, exercise, or other strenuous activities, it causes loss of fluids and electrolytes, making the body dehydrated. In hot, humid weather, we can become dehydrated in as little as 15 minutes. If not taken care of, dehydration can cause fatigue, impaired performance, heat stroke and circulatory difficulties. Fluid loss can also diminish the capacity for performing muscular work. It’s important to stay well hydrated during physical activity, and although water is a perfect choice for replacing fluids, replenishing electrolytes and other nutrients the body loses is equally important.

Considering everything we do depends on energy, which is constantly being depleted, we need to make sure that it is continuously restored. The primary source of energy for every function that occurs within each cell of the body is adenosine triphosphate (ATP). If ATP is depleted, cells cease to function properly, which can also result in many of the diseases we associate with stress or aging. ATP rejuvenates our cells, blood and tissues, and increases energy levels without boosting our heart rate, which can occur with products such as caffeine or ephedra. Replenishing ATP levels with a supplement can reduce fatigue, protect vital organs, provide energy, help to improve muscle strength and recovery and has anti-aging benefits.

AIM Peak Endurance™ provides PEAK ATP®, the only brand of ATP clinically proven to elevate ATP levels within the body when taken orally, and is so unique it is protected by several patents. In addition to PEAK ATP®, grape-flavoured AIM Peak Endurance™ contains electrolytes, and is truly an “energy drink”. Electrolytes are minerals that are necessary for conducting nerve impulses in our bodies. As we sweat, valuable electrolytes such as chloride, calcium, phosphate, magnesium, sodium and potassium are excreted making it important to replace them on a regular basis, especially when we perspire due to intense exercise or hot weather.

A typical commercial sports/energy drink may contain only three electrolytes and a whooping 10 to 49 grams of sugar! AIM Peak Endurance™ contains all six major electrolytes (sodium, potassium, phosphorous, calcium, magnesium and chloride) in proper balance and is low in sugar. Sweetened with all-natural stevia and lo han fruit extracts there is only half a gram per serving. It contains six of the B vitamins – B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 (pyridoxine) and the easy-to-absorb form of B12 (methylcobalamin) and is also a source of vitamin C, supplying 11mg, which is about what you get from an apple (8mg) or a banana (10mg).

Some of the key benefits Peak Endurance™ provides are:

-Elevates ATP levels in cells, blood, and tissues
-Increases energy levels and reduces fatigue
-Supports cardiovascular and respiratory health
-Replenishes electrolytes lost during exercise or strenuous activities
-Supplies B vitamins that are lacking in vegetarian diets
-Improves muscle growth, strength, and recovery

Especially during the hot, humid summer months when so many of us are enjoying the nice weather and increased activity it’s important to stay hydrated and replenish fluids and nutrients the body loses when we perspire. Peak Endurance™ will not only replenish lost electrolytes and ATP but also will revitalize you. If you’re looking for some added summertime endurance, give Peak Endurance™ a try.

For more information about AIM Peak Endurance™, please visit My AIM Store website at where you can read more, download a data sheet and watch a video. As with any supplement it is always recommended to read the literature thoroughly to find out if this product is right for you, and consult a health care practitioner if you have any medical conditions or concerns.

Authors note: My husband and I have owned and operated a home improvement service for over twenty-two years. We work outside a great deal during the hot, humid weather and are finding Peak Endurance™ a lifesaver. We used to drink the “other” brands on the market, but since using Peak Endurance™ we are finding there is no comparison. When we’re out working in the heat we add a serving to a bottle of water (500ml) and drink. Within minutes our body temperature is moderating and we feel a sense of renewed energy. We also drink Peak Endurance™ while doing our yard work and gardening. It’s great!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Please Don’t Super-Size Me

They may not refer to it as “super-sizing” anymore but the sizes of meals in the fast food chains are still pretty hefty. And in this day and age of economic slow-down, it’s easy to want more for your money. For a few extra cents, you can double the serving size of your French fries and soda and even get a sugary dessert treat. This may look like a great deal but the truth is, when it comes to our health it’s a really bad deal.

Portion sizes are getting larger and so are our waistlines. We’re eating more food now than we ever have before, and what we’re failing to realize is that while the calories we are consuming are up, our activity levels are down. We’re watching too much television, we sit in front of our computers for hours on end, and instead of walking or biking we drive everywhere…even to the corner store. In North America, reports estimate that caloric intake is up by an average of 340 per day due to the availability of inexpensive, calorie-dense foods and eating out at fast-food joints regularly. Vegetables, fruit and fibre are often absent from high-calorie diets, and these types of high-calorie diets provide little or no valuable nutrients our bodies need to maintain good health. Not only is fast-food high in calories it is typically high in sodium, saturated fats and trans fats, and some fast-food is very high in sugar.

Nutrient depleted and high-calorie foods as well as lifestyle choices are taking their toll on the health of many people. Obesity, type 2-diabetes (also known as adult on-set diabetes), high blood pressure and heart disease are becoming the ‘regular’ chronic diseases of Western civilization, and other developed countries are not far behind. There is no doubt that fast-food is here to stay and unless we start to change our choices when we’re grabbing that quick meal, experts warn we are creating a generation of very unhealthy people who create a huge burden on the health care system.

The good news is that there are ways of making healthier choices when eating fast-food and the key is to educate ourselves about different options. One place to start is realizing a ‘regular’ serving size isn’t that regular anymore and instead of eating everything put in front of us, we need to pay attention to the ‘I’m full’ feeling we get when we eat a little more slowly. Many fast-food joints and restaurants are offering more nutritious alternatives as well as providing customers with nutrition information. By choosing grilled or broiled foods, a salad instead of the fries, skipping the sauces and cheese, asking for the butter, sour cream and salad dressing on the side and choosing water or fresh juice instead of soda we can begin to take control of our health choices. And if you must eat at these places, please avoid the drive-thru and get out of the car, walk in and get your fast-food fix.

Another thing to keep in mind about fast-foods is that by consuming them we are creating an acidic environment in our body due to the high fat, sodium and sugar content in them, and disease thrives in an acidic environment. Because of this it’s important to limit our intake of these nutrient depleted foods and strive to maintain a steady pH (acid-alkaline) balance of body fluids. Reducing (or eliminating) the amount of fast-foods we’re consuming and eating a diet rich in fresh colorful vegetables and fruits, whole grains, raw nuts and seeds, fish and lean meats, unprocessed oils and fats, drug-free and free-range eggs, and low-fat organic dairy products can have a very beneficial effect on our health.

Green barley grass juice is also an ideal food to enhance our nutritional intake and one of the most fundamental benefits of barley grass juice is its incredible alkalizing effect. Barley grass juice has a neutral pH of 7.0, and contains alkaline minerals that can neutralize acidic materials. A whole food concentrate made from green barley juice is AIM BarleyLife® which provides us with vitamins, minerals, enzymes, antioxidants, phytochemicals, protein, amino acids, and chlorophyll. When taken every day, BarleyLife® helps our cells to function optimally and the rich source of nutrients contained in BarleyLife® helps to maintain whole body health.

The next time you feel like a fix of fast food, check your appetite at the door and try to choose something a little healthier from the menu. If we listen to our bodies and not our taste buds, we’re sure to hear that inner voice saying “please don’t super-size me”!

For more information about AIM BarleyLife® please visit My AIM Store website at where you can read more, download a datasheet and watch a video. As with any supplement it is always recommended to read the literature thoroughly to find out if the product is right for you, and consult your health care practitioner if you have any medical conditions or concerns.